Show menu (voice) - brings back main menu if it was closed
Buildings (menu, voice) - buildings libraryFurnitures (menu, voice) - furniture libraryStart Host and Connect to Host - not available at the momentAbout (menu) - information about HoloGroup and the application
Localization (header window button) - changes language in app
Help (header window button) - shows a list of app commands
Inside mode (menu, voice) - teleports user inside(voice command Inside)/outside(voice command Outside) the model (1x1 scale)
Jump (menu, voice) - teleports user into the point he looks at on the floor or along the gaze direction to 64m forward. Hold for 2 seconds and you'll quit this mode
Fly (menu, voice) - use it to move along the gaze direction, make air tap gesture in front of yourself. Hold for 2 seconds and you'll quit this mode.
Replace (menu, voice) - changes the position of a model(for far more distance, e.g. another room)
Window(voice) - transfer menu window to the user's sight
Point Mode (menu, voice) - allows you to see all points you made on your model by using, e.g. a Locator/Dummy object in 3dsMax/Maya/etc, to which you can jump.
Layouts (menu, voice) - shows/hide/make transparent/highlights groups of objects with special tag
Hide/Show *layout_name* - hides/shows desired layout
Make *layout_name* transparent - makes desired layout transparent
Make *layout_name* highlighted - makes desired layout highlighted